Search Results
Sampling within mycotoxin analysis (Prof. Rudolf Krska)
Mycotoxin analysis: Detection methods and the multi-toxin-approach (Prof. Rudolf Krska)
Mycotoxin determination: Introduction and official analytical methods (Prof. Rudolf Krska)
Prof Rudolf Krska: The challenges and trends in mycotoxins
Sample preparation and clean-up in mycotoxin determination (Prof. Rudolf Krska
Introduction to the Mycotoxin Issue (Prof. Rudolf Krska)
Certified reference materials quality assurance within mycotoxin analysis (Prof. Rudolf Krska)
🔎Mycotoxin sampling
Rapid methods for mycotoxin determination (Prof. Rudolf Krska)
State-of-the-art in the determination of mycotoxins (Prof. Rudolf Krska)
Mycotoxin sampling and analysis -- Dr. Alexandros Yiannikouris
WNF 2016 - Rudolf Krska - Mycotoxin Testing - From Multi-Toxin Analysis to Metabolomics